MySQL to MSSQL Database Converter Screenshots

MySQL to MSSQL Database Converter
Enter required fields to establish connection between MySQL and MS SQL Server.
MySQL to MSSQL Database Converter
Choose table attributes that you want to convert including Convert Table(s) definitions only, skip converting indexes and converting views and then proceed to next step by clicking on “Next” button.
MySQL to MSSQL Database Converter
Select MySQL database from left panel and select tables from right panel that you want to convert. Click on “Select all” button to select entire tables of MySQL database. After selection table(s), click “Convert” button to begin conversion process.
MySQL to MSSQL Database Converter
Select views from list and click on “Add” button. To remove selected views from right panel list box, click “Remove” button. Click “Confirm” button to continue.
MySQL to MSSQL Database Converter
Progress bar indicates that conversion process is in running mode. To stop conversion, click on “Stop” button. This will save converted database records upto that point where the process was stops. You can also skip particular table(s) using “Skip” button.
MySQL to MSSQL Database Converter
After completing conversion process, message “MySQL to MS SQL Conversion Completed Successfully” is displayed.


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