USB Data Protection Tool

USB Data Protection Tool monitors the plug-in and plug-out activities of USB mass storage devices on your computer PC. A common misconception is that security measures such as firewalls and anti-virus software are enough to secure corporate data residing on the corporate network.
In order to secure corporate data and prevent data leakage, administrators must have a way to technologically control the use of portable storage devices. Solutions such as Data Doctor's USB Data Theft Protection Tool give administrators, the power to control and report on such device usage via Email.
USB Drive Access Monitoring Software support all major brands of USB mass storage devices such as A-Data, Apacer, ASTONE, Acer, Abacus, FlexiGlow, Foxconn, Generic, HP, Imation, Cambridge, Compaq, Enlight, Comsol, Kingmax, Kouwell, Logitech, Laser etc.
Learn More About : USB Data Protection